The Fred Finch CCTAY program provides comprehensive services for young adults or Tranisition Aged Youth (TAY) delivered by a team comprised of compassionate, committed multidisciplinary staff. The program’s primary goals are to assist young adults in achieving their recovery-oriented goals, help them obtain and stabilize in housing, and build self-sufficiency skills to help them function effectively in their homes and communities.
In line with the Fred Finch core values of respect, compassion, and hope, CCTAY staff treats each participant with dignity, compassion, mutual respect, and unconditional high regard. The CCTAY program draws from evidence-based and evidence-informed best practices to provide comprehensive, individualized services: The Assertive Community Treatment(ACT) model informs how the multidisciplinary team operates and functions, while the Transition to Independence (TIP) model and Motivational Interviewing informs our interventions and treatment planning process. Individually designed services support participants to gain the skills, knowledge, and abilities to move successfully into adult life. Through their engagement in program services, participants learn to imagine and develop aspirations for the future. Our staff work with participants to establish a collaborative relationship and develop a service plan that centers around demonstrated needs, motivation, and attainable life goals. Staff provides a wide variety of supportive services designed to promote participant stability in their own community: mental health services; medication support; vocational/employment support and skills building; and educational and health linkages are all important elements of a comprehensive treatment.
Data show that participants in the program reach and maintain increased stability in their lives, including reduced hospitalizations and law enforcement contacts, as well as safe, stable housing options. As part of their recovery process, participants are encouraged to explore and discover meaningful life goals.

The Contra Costa Transition Age Youth (CCTAY) Program serves young adults, aged 16-25, who live in West Contra Costa County or the Concord/Martinez-area, who have significant mental health challenges and are homeless or at risk for homelessness.
For more information or if you wish to make a referral, please contact Julie Kinloch at or 510-418-7197