Screening to Care is a School-Based behavioral health program in partnership with Santee School District focused on providing prevention and intervention services to students through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
This new and innovative program provides comprehensive screening, small group interventions, and linkage to services to maximize students social and emotional learning through coordinated services in school and in the community. Screening to Care is designed to help students improve their mental and emotional health, improve overall wellbeing, increase positive school outcomes, and improve social and family relationships.

Students in grades 6-8th enrolled in one of the partnership schools in Santee School District listed below are eligible to participate.
Getting started is easy. Contact your school's counselor, Social Worker or Administrator to have your child referred. You may also contact the Fred Finch Program Manager for more details about the services.
Partnering Schools:
Cajon Park School
Carlton Hills School
Carlton Oaks School
Chet F. Harritt STEAM School
Hill Creek School
Pepper Drive School
Rio Seco School

For more information, please contact Program Manager, Samantha Lauring at
This program is funded by the county of San Diego

Services Provided
Small Group Interventions
Linkage to additional resources and supports
Caregiver Outreach and Engagement
Caregiver Education and Training