Designed to complement Fred Finch housing programs, the transition programs provide vocational and educational connections, mental health support, and linkage to other community supports. Many of the youth accessing these services are former foster children, who bring with them histories of abuse, neglect, and complex emotional and physical health needs. With the development of the school-linked wellness center on site at Fred Finch’s main Oakland campus, we will provide necessary health and dental services as a component of assisting these youth in achieving stability and independence.
Contra Costa Transition Aged Youth (CCTAY)
CCTAY serves young adults, ages 16 to 25, living in central and west Contra Costa County who have serious mental health challenges.
Eligible youth often experience complex situational challenges ranging from homelessness, substance abuse, experience of being unserved or underserved by traditional site based providers, and exposure to trauma
This team provides individual, group and family therapy, rehabilitation services, employment and educational support services, case management, and medication management.
This program aims to assist young adults in achieving their recovery-oriented goals, help them obtain and stabilize in housing, and build self-sufficiency skills to help them function effectively in their homes and communities.

Supportive Services for Transition Age Youth (STAY)
Provides a comprehensive range of support services for transition age young adults ages 18 – 25 that reside in North and Central Alameda County who have significant mental health disabilities and are unserved or underserved by the current system.
Service delivery is provided throughout the community in locations chosen by the participant.
This program primarily aims to support participants in accessing safe, stable housing in achieving their individualized, recovery-focused goals and in functioning as self-sufficiently as possible within their homes and communities.
Transitions serves adolescents and transition age youth (TAY) ages 15 to 25 who have moderate to severe symptoms and impairments who are transitioning into adulthood.
TAY who are 21 to 24 must be eligible for adult Specialty Mental Health Services and require approval from Alameda County Behavioral Health.
Provides individual, family, and group therapy, individual and group rehabilitation, comprehensive clinical case management and medication support.
Services are community-based, meeting participants in environments of their choice.